Wednesday, April 4, 2007


What would really make me feel better is some of those chocchip cookies I bought that my dog ate. I love chocchip cookies the best but still looking forward to gracie's ceral cookies. Tehee. What wouldn't make me happy, though, is my computer. Especially with my cranky keyboard. I was typing my post deliriously when my keyboard suddenly died on me. psst. This really drives me crazy. Technically, I would not be using computer because I can't even type. What’s the point?

I realized that I haven eaten any gummy bears, ice cream and lollipops in awhile. Where’s my sugar fix? It is strange how life evolves and one day you discover that you’ve lost a love you once had. But I have not lost the love for my precious keyboard. It miraculously revived. Can you see that overwhelming burst of happy bubbles that are bubbling around? The night is beautiful when ye' high.

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